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Senior Dog Care the TTouch Way

It is a sad fact that our dogs age before our eyes way too quickly, Have you noticed any of these changes in your wonderful family friend?

Are they becoming reticent about going out for a walk?
Are their hearing or eyesight changing?

Are they less playful with friends or their toys?
A recent study has shown that a number of dogs become sound sensitive as they grow older.
Come and learn some TTouch techniques to help your beautiful dog age well and help them stay as mentally and physically active as possible.

~ Learn how to read their body language and the clues they give us to how they are feeling.
~ Learn some relaxing TTouches
~ A simple body wrap that can help your dog relax and be less noise sensitive.
~ Groundwork activities to enable your dog to have physical balance and proprioceptive awareness.

Limited handler places are available, to allow participants maximum attention. If your dog is not comfortable in the presence of other dogs and/or people or is reactive towards either, then please book a private consultation with Rachel. Dogs will remain on lead unless otherwise instructed by Rachel.

£45 per person, with or without one dog. A certificate of attendance is available.
Contact Rachel for further details and a booking form